Satellite Internet and Weather Conditions Explained
It's good to know with satellite Internet, cloudy weather usually only slightly affects the quality of Internet service. In Ireland, it is normally a question of cloud cover or rainfall with satellite Internet rather than extreme conditions. Satellite Internet works by making use of radio waves.
Like TV and radio broadcasts, water molecules in the air can absorb the energy required to transmit data communications. As such, heavy rain or thunderstorms could result in weaker satellite Internet signals. Wind blowing heavy rain around may also mean you get a signal loss for a short time or, more likely, an intermittent service. However, satellite Internet in cloudy weather is not likely to be affected much at all. In the majority of various weather conditions that Ireland faces, satellite Internet and weather interference is minimal. If data packets sent between your home Internet dish and the satellite in space don't penetrate a storm, then it will simply be resent until it is received. Most users may notice temporary slower connection speeds, but not much more than that. Even if the signal is lost for a long time, it will eventually return.
In contrast, if a branch falls on a cable landline, it can cause a long period of Internet outages. Furthermore, Konnect helps ensure services are optimised across Ireland when heavy rain is expected. This is done by installing suitably sized satellite dishes and correctly aligning them with the satellite to ensure maximum signal strength.
Satellite Internet in Snowy and Icy Weather
When snow falls and settles on a satellite dish, it can cause more problems than rain. Like ice, snow soaks up energy from satellite transmissions. Unlike rainfall, snow does not drain away, and blockages can be more severe.
- We will try to choose a suitable location that allows for the protection of your dish in snowy or icy conditions for the installation of the dish, such as the eaves of a roofline.
- Always remove snow or ice by hand if it is possible to do it, without knocking the dish out of alignment. Doing this will help restore your Internet service, even in very wintry conditions.
Satellite Internet Weather Interference from Hot Conditions
Although bad weather, such as high winds, can push your satellite dish out of alignment, heat doesn't pose any risks. However, you should ensure that your indoor router isn't positioned under direct sunlight to avoid potential issues. Some people worry about adverse weather, including extreme heat spells, affecting the security of their service. Rest assured, all data is encrypted when it is sent and received, so even if something needs to be resent, the data remains secure at all times.