Installation guide
Our installation guide walks you through the process from start to finish. We recommend reading this before opting to install the equipment yourself and printing out a copy, so you have it to hand when you are installing your equipment.
Download the Konnect installation guide
Installation app
You’ll need our dedicated app to perform the installation. Its available on the App Store or Google Play.
Installation video
Where can I install my satellite dish?
Do I need to install the dish high up?
Not necessarily, it will depend on your property. Dishes can be installed low on a building, but we recommend you install the dish high up to achieve the best signal and to keep it out of the way of vehicles, vegetation or people walking past.
Can I install the dish on any material?
Not all building materials are suitable for the installation of the Konnect dish. The dish is best mounted onto a brick wall. It can also be mounted on a pole or on corrugated metal, with the use of a bracket designed for this. It is not possible to mount the dish onto a wooden structure or a tree.
What does line of sight mean?
When we refer to line of sight, we are talking about the path between the Konnect satellite dish that will be installed on your property and the Konnect satellite in space. A clear path is needed between the two, free from any obstructions such as trees or tall buildings. When we say you need a clear line of sight, we mean you need a clear view of the sky in the direction of our satellite.
How do I check the line of sight?
We have an app "Konnect Install", which you can download to help you. Its available on the App Store or Google Play. Once you have it, simply grant location access and permission to use your camera, this will allow you to see the location of our satellite in your surroundings and identify where the dish would be best placed.
Preparing to install the equipment
Where can I find instructions for installing the equipment?
The installation instructions are provided at the top of this page. Should you have trouble downloading these, we’ve also included a copy on the USB key that you’ll find along with the equipment. The USB key is in a small white box which is inside the box with the multi-feed and the TV LNB.
How long will the installation take?
Installation time varies from property to property and on the experience of the person carrying out the installation. On average, installations take between two and three hours.
Can I install the system anytime?
It’s up to you when you install the Konnect equipment. However, you should bear in mind that we will begin charging you a reservation fee of £9.99/month six weeks after the equipment has been delivered.
What do I need to check before carrying out the installation?
You are responsible for checking any relevant regulations before you install the equipment. If your building is listed, you will need to check the specifics to make sure that a satellite dish is allowed. Similarly, you will need to check the regulations if you live in a Conservation area. If your building is rented, you will need permission from your landlord to install the equipment.
Does the satellite dish need to be grounded?
Yes, the satellite dish will require grounding to safeguard you and the equipment from lighting strikes, electrical surges and static discharges.
Preparing your installation
What makes up the Konnect equipment?
The Konnect equipment is made up of a satellite dish, a transceiver, a modem and cabling.
The satellite dish
The standard dish is 74 cm in diameter and needs a clear view of the southern sky.
The transceiver
The transceiver is a small metal box with a disc on one end, which faces into the dish to pick up the signal
The modem
The modem is a small electronic box, as in traditional broadband. When installing the system, you will run a cable from the dish into your house to connect to the modem. You can then connect your devices to the Internet directly to the modem using an ethernet cable or wirelessly using the integrated WiFi.
Which tools will I need to perform the installation?
You will need:
- 11mm spanner
- 13mm spanner
- 3mm L-key
- Cross screwdriver
- Cable cutter
- Cable stripper
- Smartphone
- Compass
- Laptop
- Level
- M8 bolts
- Electric drill
Take a look in our installation guide on pages 4 and 5 for an overview of what’s included.
What is a beam?
A spot beam is a satellite signal that is specially concentrated in power. It allows the satellite to transmit different data signals using the same frequency for different geographical locations. Konnect is a multi-beam satellite, with each beam serving a specific area on the earth’s surface.
What does polarization mean?
Polarization refers to the way a radio electric frequency propagates. The system uses circular polarisation where electromagnetic waves rotate around the propagation direction either right (RHCP) or left (LHCP).
What does elevation mean?
Elevation is the tilt of satellite dish towards the satellite in space. It should be set to 32 degrees when you first start pointing the dish.
What does azimuth mean?
The azimuth is the horizontal angle measured in the local horizontal plane in a clockwise direction from north. It refers to the rotation of the whole antenna to the vertical axis of the pole.
What is an activation key?
Your activation key is unique to your account. You need to enter it at the very end of the installation process to activate your service. It allows us to link the equipment you have installed to your account.
Where will I find the activation key?
We will email your activation key to you shortly after you sign up in an email titled: Key details so you can install your Konnect equipment. This email will also contain a link where you can track your shipment and the coordinates you’ll need when installing your equipment.
These details are also available on the Customer Portal in print-out format.
What if I have a problem?
Who do I call if I have an issue?
Should you need assistance at any point, we’ve a dedicated installation helpline, call us on 01869 722 460 (cost of a local call).
Our first question will be which step of the installation you are at, so please check this in the guide before you call.